[FAQ] How to add the microsoft.public.* hierarchy to a news server
(too old to reply)
Julien ÉLIE
2010-02-01 17:47:08 UTC
Archive-name: usenet/microsoft-faq
Archive-title: [FAQ] How to add the microsoft.* hierarchy to a news server
Last-modified: 2007/08/02
Posting-frequency: near start of every even month

The « microsoft.* » hierarchy is the international Usenet hierarchy
which deals with Microsoft products, technologies and topics in lots
of various languages.

For further information, please refer to
from which the first two answers of this FAQ are extracted.

Information about the « microsoft.* » hierarchy can also be found here:

Note that if you carry that hierarchy, it is better to lighten your
filtering rules for it since lots of articles are posted in HTML.

I, Julien ÉLIE <control-***@trigofacile.com>, wrote this FAQ
in the hope of helping news administrators all over the world to
properly configure the « microsoft.* » hierarchy on their news servers.
I will post it every two months to both « news.admin.hierarchies »
and « microsoft.public.news.server ».

If you have any comments or if you find any errors, please do tell me
so that I can improve this FAQ.

What is exactly the « microsoft.* » hierarchy?

Microsoft created Microsoft public discussions covering many Microsoft
products, technologies, and topics because of the value of finding out
what your peers think and getting information from people who use the
same products and technologies you use.
The Microsoft public discussions have been available to anyone on
Usenet for a number of years. Thousands of Microsoft customers at
all levels of expertise post in these groups today, creating the
content, sharing information and contributing ideas. There are
currently over 2,000 public discussion groups dedicated to discussing
Microsoft products.

Is Usenet the only way to have access to the « microsoft.* » hierarchy?

No, there is also a web-based newsreader which allows you to enter into
discussion groups where people who are passionate about Microsoft
technologies share their thoughts, help, support, and ideas.

The URL is:

Please note that I also maintain a more handy web page where you can
find a link for each Microsoft newsgroup to its corresponding web
interface: <http://usenet.trigofacile.com/microsoft-groups.htm>.

Who administers the « microsoft.* » hierarchy?

The hierarchy is administered by Microsoft and their public news server
<news://msnews.microsoft.com/> is available from everywhere and allows
a bidirectional feed of articles within « microsoft.* ».

Besides, their news administrators often add and remove groups from
their news server. However, they do not send control articles to
propagate such changes. In fact, they used to; but it has been years
since they last did that. That is why, I made up my mind in April 2007
and decided to send such control articles myself.
I send a checkgroups control article at the beginning of each month;
And, meanwhile, newgroup and rmgroup control articles when needed (that
is to say when a newsgroup is created or removed, according to the
official list of Microsoft newsgroups which can be found on their news
server. By the way, as I do not continuously watch the active file of
<news://msnews.microsoft.com/>, please allow some time (usually not
more than a couple of days) before control articles are actually sent.

How should I configure my news server to honour these control articles?

First of all, I want to remind you that is up to you to decide which
newsgroups you carry. However, in order to have a « full feed », you
should accept the control articles I send for the « microsoft.* »
hierarchy. They will always reflect the current and official Microsoft

For technical details and a list of public Usenet keys, you can see:
* ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/pgpcontrol/README.html (English)
* http://www.trigofacile.com/divers/usenet/articles-controle.htm (French)

All control messages for the Microsoft hierarchy are sent from
<control-***@trigofacile.com> and signed with the PGP key
available from

Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID
pub 2048R/E60E2FAA 2007-03-30 control-***@trigofacile.com

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)


The corresponding entry for the INN « control.ctl » file is:

## MICROSOFT (Microsoft Corporation, USA)
# Control articles for that hierarchy are not issued by Microsoft itself
# but by a Usenet active participant in order to improve the quality of
# the propagation of Microsoft newsgroups. Their official URL is:
# http://www.microsoft.com/communities/newsgroups/list/en-us/default.aspx
# Contact: control-***@trigofacile.com
# URL: http://www.trigofacile.com/divers/usenet/clefs/index.htm
# Admin group: microsoft.public.news.server
# Key URL: http://www.trigofacile.com/divers/usenet/clefs/pgpkey-microsoft.asc
# Key fingerprint = DF70 5FC9 F615 D52E 02DB A3CB 63A9 8D13 E60E 2FAA
# Syncable server: msnews.microsoft.com

The C News' « controlperm » entry is:

microsoft any cnr nq
microsoft control-***@trigofacile.com cnr pv control-***@trigofacile.com

And the DNews' « control.conf » entry:


Where can I find the current list of Microsoft newsgroups?

The current list of valid Microsoft newsgroups can be found either in
their news server <news://msnews.microsoft.com/> (the only official
and authoritative source) or in the checkgroups file I maintain
The current list is also monthly posted in « news.lists.misc ».

I generated the descriptions according to the names of the newsgroups.
They were not provided by Microsoft. Anyway, the real topic of each
newsgroup is contained in their self-explanatory names.
Julien ÉLIE

Web version of this FAQ:
News Guy
2010-02-02 00:17:22 UTC
Post by Julien ÉLIE
Archive-name: usenet/microsoft-faq
Julien ÉLIE is not the maintainer or administrator of the
microsoft.public set of usenet newsgroups.

The reader or NNTP administrator is not advised to follow his list or
his recommendations as to what microsoft.public newsgroups are currently

There is no doubt that Microsoft will cancel or remove a substantial
number of groups from it's own server, but that does not mean that those
groups need to also be removed from other servers around the world (that
would be exactly what Microsoft would want you to do).

If you follow Julien ÉLIE's advice and instructions, you will be
assisting Microsoft in it's efforts to remove free and uncontrolled
discourse about it and it's products from usenet. You will also be
assisting those that are anti-Microsoft and wish to see all
communications and conversations about Microsoft and their products to
be removed from usenet.
News Guy
2010-02-02 00:21:37 UTC
Post by Julien ÉLIE
Archive-name: usenet/microsoft-faq
Julien ÉLIE is not the maintainer or administrator of the
microsoft.public set of usenet newsgroups.

The reader or NNTP administrator is not advised to follow his list or
his recommendations as to what microsoft.public newsgroups are currently

If you follow Julien ÉLIE's advice and instructions, you will be
assisting Microsoft in it's efforts to remove free and uncontrolled
discourse about it and it's products from usenet. You will also be
assisting those that are anti-Microsoft and wish to see all
communications and conversations about Microsoft and their products to
be removed from usenet.

There is no doubt that Microsoft will cancel or remove a substantial
number of groups from it's own server, but that does not mean that those
groups need to also be removed from other servers around the world (that
would be exactly what Microsoft would want you to do).
2010-03-26 18:39:03 UTC
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